VB.NET Examples

Upload File Example

	OpenFileDialog.Title = "Browse for file to upload..."
	OpenFileDialog.FileName = Nothing
	OpenFileDialog.Filter = "Image Files (JPEG, PNG)|*.png;*.jpg;*.jpeg"

	If OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
		Dim strHTTPResponseHeaders As String
		Dim strServerResponse As String = Nothing

		Dim httpHelper As New Tom.httpHelper()
		httpHelper.setUserAgent("Microsoft .NET") ' Set our User Agent String.
		httpHelper.addHTTPCookie("mycookie", "my cookie contents", "www.toms-world.org", "/")
		httpHelper.addHTTPHeader("myheader", "my header contents")
		httpHelper.addPOSTData("test1", "value1")
		httpHelper.addPOSTData("test2", "value2")
		httpHelper.addGETData("test3", "value3")
		httpHelper.addFileUpload("myfileupload", OpenFileDialog.FileName, Nothing, Nothing)

		If httpHelper.uploadData("http://www.toms-world.org/httphelper.php", strServerResponse) Then
			strHTTPResponseHeaders = httpHelper.getHTTPResponseHeaders().ToString
		End If
	End If
Catch ex As Tom.httpProtocolException
	' You can handle httpProtocolExceptions different than normal exceptions with this code.
Catch ex As Net.WebException
	MsgBox(ex.Message & " " & ex.StackTrace)
End Try

Post Data Example

	Dim strHTTPResponseHeaders As String
	Dim strServerResponse As String = Nothing
	Dim httpHelper As New Tom.httpHelper()
	httpHelper.useHTTPCompression = True
	httpHelper.setProxyMode = True
	httpHelper.setUserAgent = "Microsoft .NET" ' Set our User Agent String.
	httpHelper.addHTTPCookie("mycookie", "my cookie contents", "www.toms-world.org", "/")
	httpHelper.addHTTPHeader("myheader", "my header contents")
	httpHelper.addPOSTData("test1", "value1")
	httpHelper.addPOSTData("test2", "value2")
	httpHelper.addGETData("test3", "value3")
	httpHelper.addPOSTData("major", "3")
	httpHelper.addPOSTData("minor", "9")
	httpHelper.addPOSTData("build", "6")
	If httpHelper.getWebData("http://www.toms-world.org/httphelper.php", strServerResponse) Then
		strHTTPResponseHeaders = httpHelper.getHTTPResponseHeaders().ToString
	End If
Catch ex As Tom.httpProtocolException
	' You can handle httpProtocolExceptions different than normal exceptions with this code.
Catch ex As Net.WebException
	MsgBox(ex.Message & " " & ex.StackTrace)
End Try

Get Web Data Example

	Dim strHTTPResponseHeaders As String
	Dim strServerResponse As String = Nothing
	Dim httpHelper As New Tom.httpHelper()
	httpHelper.useHTTPCompression = True
	httpHelper.setProxyMode = True
	httpHelper.setUserAgent = "Microsoft .NET" ' Set our User Agent String.
	httpHelper.addGETData("test3", "value3")
	httpHelper.addHTTPCookie("mycookie", "my cookie contents", "www.toms-world.org", "/")
	httpHelper.addHTTPHeader("myheader", "my header contents")
	If httpHelper.getWebData("http://www.toms-world.org/httphelper.php", strServerResponse) Then
		strHTTPResponseHeaders = httpHelper.getHTTPResponseHeaders(True).ToString
	End If
Catch ex As Tom.httpProtocolException
	' You can handle httpProtocolExceptions different than normal exceptions with this code.
Catch ex As Net.WebException
	' You can handle web exceptions different than normal exceptions with this code.
Catch ex As Exception
	MsgBox(ex.Message & " " & ex.StackTrace)
End Try

Setting a URL Pre-Processor

Dim httpHelper As New httpHelper
httpHelper.setUserAgent("Microsoft .NET") ' Set our User Agent String.

httpHelper.setURLPreProcessor(Function(ByVal strURLInput As String) As String
	If Not strURLInput.StartsWith("http://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
		strURLInput = "http://" & strURLInput
	End If

	Return strURLInput
End Function)

File Download Example

Private downloadThread, statusUpdatingThread As Threading.Thread
Private urlToFileToBeDownloaded As String = "http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso"
Private pathToDownloadFileTo As String = "S:\ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso"
Private httpHelper As Tom.httpHelper() ' This is our httpHelper Class instance object that will be able to be referenced in multiple threads.

Sub downloadThread()
		' We use the downloadFile() function which first calls for the URL and then
		' the path to a place on the local file system to save it. This function
		' is why we need multithreading, this will take a long time to do.
		httpHelper.downloadFile(urlToFileToBeDownloaded, pathToDownloadFileTo)
		statusUpdatingThread.Abort() ' Since the file is done downloading we no longer need the status updating thread so we stop it.
		MsgBox("Download complete.")
	Catch ex As Tom.httpProtocolException
		' You can handle httpProtocolExceptions different than normal exceptions with this code.
	Catch ex As Net.WebException
		MsgBox(ex.Message & " " & ex.StackTrace)
	Catch ex As Threading.ThreadAbortException

		' Since we aborted the download the downloaded file is incomplete so we need to delete it, but
		' before we just go ahead and try and delete it we need to make sure that the file exists first
		' or deleting the file when it doesn't exist will cause a FileNotFoundException.
		If IO.File.Exists(pathToDownloadFileTo) Then IO.File.Delete(pathToDownloadFileTo)
		MsgBox("Download aborted.") ' And tell the user that the download is aborted.
	End Try
End Sub

Sub updateStatus()
	' This gets our percentage of the file that's been downloaded.
	Dim percentage As Short = httpHelper.getHTTPDownloadProgressPercentage()
	While percentage <> 100 ' We loop while the percentage is not 100.
		Label1.Text = String.Format("Downloaded {0} of {1} ({2}%)", httpHelper.getHTTPDownloadLocalFileSize(), httpHelper.getHTTPDownloadRemoteFileSize(), percentage)
		ProgressBar1.Value = percentage ' Set the progress bar the percentage value.
		Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) ' Let's sleep for a second.
		percentage = httpHelper.getHTTPDownloadProgressPercentage() ' Get the new percentage value.
	End While
	ProgressBar1.Value = 0
	Label1.Text = "Download Complete"
End Sub

Sub stopDownload()
End Sub

Sub startDownload()
	' First we create our httpHelper Class instance.
	httpHelper = New Tom.httpHelper()
	httpHelper.setUserAgent("Microsoft .NET") ' Set our User Agent String.

	' This example we're going to be downloading a file so this is going to take some time. We need multithreading!

	' Now we need to create our download thread.
	downloadThread = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf downloadThread)
	downloadThread.Start() ' Starts our download thread.

	' We want to give the user some status on the download so we need a thread to do it.
	statusUpdatingThread = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf updateStatus)
	statusUpdatingThread.Start() ' Start our status update thread.
End Sub

File Download Example #2 Using an Injected Updating Function

Private downloadThread As Threading.Thread

Private Sub btnDownloadFile_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDownloadFile.Click
        ' First we create our httpHelper Class instance.
        Dim httpHelper As New Tom.httpHelper()
        httpHelper.setUserAgent = "Microsoft .NET" ' Set our User Agent String.
End Sub

        ' Now we set up our download status updating Lambda function that's passed to the Class instance to execute within the memory space of the Class.
        httpHelper.setDownloadStatusUpdateRoutine(Function(remoteFileSize As Long, amountDownloaded As Long, percentage As Short)
                                                      Label1.Text = String.Format("Downloaded {0} of {1}", httpHelper.fileSizeToHumanReadableFormat(amountDownloaded), httpHelper.fileSizeToHumanReadableFormat(remoteFileSize[/mfn]
                                                      Label2.Text = percentage.ToString & "%"
                                                      ProgressBar1.Value = percentage ' Set the progress bar the percentage value.
                                                  End Function)

        ' Now we need to create our download thread.
        downloadThread = New Threading.Thread(Sub()
                                                  Dim urlToFileToBeDownloaded As String = "http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso"
                                                  Dim pathToDownloadFileTo As String = "S:\ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso"

                                                      btnStopDownload.Enabled = True
                                                      btnDownloadFile.Enabled = False

                                                      ' We use the downloadFile() function which first calls for the URL and then the path to a place on the local file system to save it. This function is why we need multithreading, this will take a long time to do.
                                                      httpHelper.downloadFile(urlToFileToBeDownloaded, pathToDownloadFileTo)
                                                      btnDownloadFile.Enabled = True
                                                      btnStopDownload.Enabled = False
                                                      MsgBox("Download complete.") ' And tell the user that the download is complete.
                                                  Catch ex As Net.WebException
                                                      btnDownloadFile.Enabled = True
                                                      btnStopDownload.Enabled = False
                                                      MsgBox(ex.Message & " " & ex.StackTrace)
                                                  Catch ex As Threading.ThreadAbortException
                                                      btnDownloadFile.Enabled = True
                                                      btnStopDownload.Enabled = False
                                                      If IO.File.Exists(pathToDownloadFileTo) Then IO.File.Delete(pathToDownloadFileTo)
                                                      MsgBox("Download aborted.") ' And tell the user that the download is aborted.
                                                  End Try
                                              End Sub)
        downloadThread.Start() ' Starts our download thread.
End Sub

Setting a Custom Error Handler

Dim httpHelper As New Tom.httpHelper()

' The "ex" is the Exception Object, you can find out what happened in the class instance by referencing this object.
' The "classInstance" object is the current class instance that the customErrorHandler is running in. The class passes itself to your custom error handler so you can see what's going on inside the class and call any of the public properties and functions of the class.
httpHelper.setCustomErrorHandler(Function(ex As Exception, classInstance As httpHelper) As Boolean
                                     If TypeOf ex Is Net.WebException Or TypeOf ex Is httpProtocolException Then
                                         MsgBox("The server responded with an HTTP error.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Dialog Title")
                                     ElseIf TypeOf ex Is sslErrorException Then
                                         MsgBox("An HTTP SSL error occurred.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Dialog Title")
                                         MsgBox("A general error occured.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Dialog Title")
                                     End If

                                     ' For instance, you can call the toString() function using the classInstance object.
                                     classInstance.toString() ' This outputs everything that the Class instance has in memory.
                                 End Function)

Last updated on Friday, June 26th, 2020 at 11:52 AM by trparky.